
Neighborhood Scale:

Cosi-Mt. Caramel Hospital Connector

Vicinity Connections:

Internal Site Origination:


Intensive Recap – ReOrganizing


The thing I most took away from the intensive review was that I am not making my argument in a coherent method. I have been focusing tightly on "making buildings" rather than on proving or disproving my statement.

With that in mind I am going to step back and try and re(organize) my project and put some coherence to the argument.

Or as Tom suggested: Put an outline of the slides that I wish I had for last Sunday:


  • Problem Statement (Abstract)
    • Disconnected Site
    • Disconnected People    
  • Thesis Statement
    • The two disconnections can be framed using architecture to reconnect the area and the people to the larger community and city
  • Methods of Inquiry
    • Documentation of Franklinton as enclave
      • Historical nature of settlement
        • Political boundary in Virginia Military District
          • Early Settlement
        • Flooding
        • Freeway & Rail
    • Research of Refugees
      • CRIS as a prototype organization
    • Examination of temporal nature of site / place as a way to root into site
      • Phenomenology as a link to place specific
    • Transit
      • Light rail examples and transit oriented development
  • Site Analysis
    • Franklinton Large Scale Analysis
      • Landmarks
      • Transportation
      • Arrival and departure on neighborhood scale
      • City Scale buildings
        • Cosi
        • Vets Memorial
        • Mt Caramel Hospital
        • Missing services
          • Grocery is absent
          • Small commercial is absent
          • Walkable defined area is absent
          • Small scale health clinic as outreach would be helpful
          • No branch library
            • This is present in West Franklinton but could be augmented
    • Mid Scale Analysis
      • Neighborhood Character
        • Fabric of surrounding buildings
          • Size and scale
          • Materials
        • Multifamily / single family mix
        • Warehousing
        • Automotive lots
          • Sales
          • parking
        • Small scale Civic buildings
          • Elementary School
          • Churches
          • Parks & Recreation Centers
        • Spaghetti Warehouse
    • Site Specific Characteristics
      • Site Views
      • Site surroundings
      • Potential links for connection
        • Rail
        • road
  • Design Narrative
    • Goal of economic integration
      • Transit as an offering of inverted commuting
    • Goal of transit as link to larger community
    • Goal of community integration
    • Goal of education / accultuarion services
    • Goal of proximity co-housing as a way to foster acculturation.
    • How to make permanence out of transience.
      • Use of vacant sites as homesteading opportunities.
  • Design Process
    • Sketch Problem
      • Trying to combine civic, cultural & community into singular building didn't work
  • Programming Diagram
    • How many people on site
      • How many people from community
      • What are essential activities of acculturation process
      • What are methods of connection to neighborhood
    • Community-Cultural
    • Residential CoHousing as a strategy
      • Over commercial start up space
    • Market as temporal space
      • Opportunity for economic reciprocation    
  • Site Plan and strategy
    • Plans
    • Sections
    • Perspectives
    • materials
  • Commercial-cultural
    • Plans
    • Sections
    • Perspectives
    • Structure
    • materials
    • mechanical strategy
  • Market-Grocery
    • Plans
    • Sections
    • Perspectives
    • Structure
    • materials
    • mechanical strategy


Driving Experience - Franklinton

Entering Franklinton:
Westbound on Broad Street, the site is immediately to the left past the second viaduct:

Rich Street Heading Eastbound towards the Viaduct:

Clockwise around Site:

State Street Westbound,
McDowell Street Northbound,
Broad Street Eastbound

Rich Street Heading Eastbound towards the Main Avenue Bridge:
The Left Hand turn prior to the Viaduct is along Lucas Street, this dead ends into State Street:


Communitty- Cultural Plans - Screenshot 10:50 PM

Community-Cultural Building - First Floor Plan

Working my way thru the health clinic this evening

Screenshot - Site Plan (East is Shown "up") Regulating Axes are shown in light green.


Site Close:

The community building and the others serve to reinforce the axes of the surrounding streets & important buildings/ views and to pull these thru and across the site.


Plans Continued

Continuing to work on unit plans this evening, should be able to post tommorow on the full housing / co-housing units.


Elevations - 4/5

Elevations of Commercial - Residential Blocks

Enlarged Plans of thru-entry scheme: